22 Dec 2010

The 3rd album studio diary Part V: August, September, October, November & December

Pardon, some time has passed since the last update. It does not mean that Unshine has been inactive - very oppositive - the recordings have continued intensively, however, without sadistic pressure (to quote moukku master Pasi Crash from For Selena And Sin).

We have recorded guitars and basses during several short periods in the autumn - this felt very relaxed working method, also we were able to make the recordings under best possible conditions (mental, too:)). At the same time, it was possible to take a deeper look into the songs and beyond them. The song order will play big part in this album.

With this slow-cooking method, we have also recorded Susanna's vocals, they sound really unbelieavable and vibrant.

The mixings of guitars and bass starts on the 3rd of January 2011. Around this time other instruments, including some quite mysterious ones, will be recorded. We'll come then up with some visual and audio material from the studio along with renewed website.